What is NZB & News, SABnzbd+, Sickbeard, CouchPotato, Headphones and JRiver Media Center?
Forth post will give you instructions how to get Headphones up and running

Third post will explain how to install and test Couchpotato Second post will show you how to install and configure SABnzbd and Sickbeard First post will give you an overview of the components used in this setup and how it all works together I’ll add that Headphones is my weak spot.

But if you do follow the step by step instructions it should provide you with a fully working setup, and some knowledge of how it all works. I have not been a NZB or News group user for more than a few months, so this guide might give some misleading information and wrong statements. This guide is written with a JRiver Media Center setup in mind, but it can easily be used as a basis for XBMC or any other Media Center or player. So, I do this for everyone out there who is new at this, and who wants a helping hand. The guides out there are really limited and have gaping holes. Even this did not prepare me for the nightmare of a setup this was. I’m a computer geek and have been working with IT for many years. This is supposed to be a complete guide to the setup (and small part of usage) of the appropriate programs for TV Shows, Movies and Music on the Windows platform. It works on Windows as well as Mac and Linux. SABnzbd, Sickbeard, Couchpotato and Headphones are applications that help you create a fully automated system for downloading of TV Shows, Movies and Music. Perhaps it will help a few more persons this way. I'll post the same guide here as I created on the XBMC forums.